
Company values

At Nordon Jago Architects, sustainability isn’t just a practice; it’s a commitment ingrained in everything we do. We recognize the finite nature of the earth’s resources and are dedicated to using them responsibly.

Our team is deeply passionate about the planet, and this drives our focus on clean, green energy and sustainable practices.

Commitment to sustainable operations

Our practice operates on 100% green electricity, with LED lighting, water and energy efficient appliance installed in office ensuring our energy consumption has a minimal environmental footprint.

 Our dedication to sustainability extends to our daily routines. Our staff commute by public transport or bicycle, contributing to reduced carbon emissions and promoting healthier lifestyles. We have eliminated the need for a company car and working with our clients limit the number of interstate flights to essential site visits only, further minimizing our carbon footprint.

We are largely a paperless office, printing if required is on a recycled paper.  Staff are trained to be conscious about their waste and to ensure they are recycling where possible. Additionally, our office is equipped with a coffee machine to reduce waste from disposable coffee cups, demonstrating our commitment to reducing landfill contributions.

We are constantly looking for ways to be more sustainable within our workplace and for our clients.


As leaders in conscious architecture, we focus on regenerative designs that not only minimize environmental impact but also restore and enhance the natural environment.

At Nordon Jago Architects, we turn our commitment to sustainability into a restorative experience for the people and places we work with, leading the way in responsible and regenerative design.

aerial view